10 Dog Training Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

There are a couple of regular mistakes that dog owners who train their dogs on their own tend to fall into, regardless of whether this is their first dog or not. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put in the effort to train your dog.

You’ll strengthen your relationship with your dog and your status as pack leader in the household by learning more about him or her. You and your dog will be able to have a blast with this!

With any luck, after reading this list of the 10 most popular mistakes that were made by inexperienced dog trainers and owners, you’ll be able to steer clear of them. Just like there is no such thing as a terrible owner, there is no such thing as a bad dog.

1. Having unrealistic expectations:

Particularly true for individuals who have recently adopted an elderly dog or a puppy. If you find yourself losing your cool while training, remember to take a break and do something entertaining.

Far too often do I see folks purchase a new puppy and expect it to know all the basic training instructions within a few hours. Not in a million years. Your puppy will soon be an adult, so savour these early days together and train him or her in small increments every day.

2. A lack of determination:

Educating a youngster takes over 18 years! People sometimes give up too soon on training their dogs, especially pups, since they don’t realize that the dog won’t learn everything at once. Things will work out if you just stay positive, calm, and patient.

Some dogs, like some children, take longer to learn new skills, and some dogs are naturally more adept at some activities than others. First and foremost, keep trying even if it seems like nothing is working. Things usually work out for the best in the end.

Read more in this article: Do You Make These 4 Common Dog Training Mistakes

3. Punishing or striking your dog:

What we’re talking about here is a tough nut to crack. The majority of dog trainers will tell you not to strike your dog, and I tend to agree. A dog’s actions in the wild serve as a model for me. When one of the pack dogs disobeys the rules, the consequences are immediate.


Most of the time, these scoldings are only a display of strength rather than a genuine threat of violence.

Keep in mind that your dog will be happiest if it has a clear role within the family. Fear of the unknown is the root of all evil. A solid grasp on a dog’s shoulder or neck, rather of a punch or squeeze, is all that’s needed to establish dominance.

It’s modelled after the hold a mother dog makes on her puppies when she scolds them. Never, ever use physical punishment to train your dog; it just serves to reinforce the dog’s dread of you. Instead of resorting to violence to gain control, focus on becoming a strong, decisive leader instead.

4. Inconsistency:

The fourth mistake comes from a lack of a strong and clear leader. A lack of internal coherence renders decisiveness useless. It’s usual for dog owners to talk to their pets as if they were human and even to attach sentiments and thoughts typically associated with humans to their canine companions.

Never assume that your dog can discern the difference between the couch and the bed just because it’s the weekend. A dog has no concept of the meaning behind the rules we make up on the spot.

You can jump on me, but not random people. It’s fine to go across the street instead than stopping to sit down at every intersection. A dog requires regular, predictable interactions with its boss in order to feel secure.

5. Lack of research:

Most individuals aren’t born with an innate knack for training a dog. We don’t naturally possess the ability to accomplish this. Do your homework before trying to train your dog on your own. Learn about the many educational approaches.

Get familiar with the traits of the various breeds. Do your research before deciding on any rules, and make sure everyone in the “pack” knows and follows them. Getting to know your new pet and deciding how to teach it may be a rewarding experience for the whole family.

6. Too much research:

On the other hand, it is potential to do too much study. Not allowing one method of training enough time to bear fruit before moving on to another. Inconsistency can result when different types of training are used. Always keep in mind that little is more.

7. Lack of leadership:

Dogs are social creatures that thrive under authoritative leadership. Most problems occur when there is a lack of leadership in the family “pack,” and the dog attempts to step into the void by becoming more domineering.


While it may be tempting to treat your dog as if it were a human being, your pooch will appreciate it more if you take the role of leader instead. They’re happiest when you’re leading them and they don’t have to question your abilities.

8. Not knowing your dog:

By his All dogs, like all people, are unique, yet there are observable differences between breeds that might lead to problems in the road if we choose to overlook them. Participate with your kind.

Especially if your dog is a working breed like a border collie, it’s important to keep his mind active and stimulated to prevent boredom. You should conduct some study and think carefully about your selection because certain dog breeds are more challenging to train than others.

Do some homework to find a breed that will fit in with your way of life and your training skills. You should be ready to put in a lot of time and effort, and perhaps consider professional help if your efforts to teach your dog are unsuccessful if you choose a breed that is known to be difficult.

9. Having an unsuitable mental attitude:

Always begin training while you are feeling positive and calm, and stop if you begin to feel unhappy or irritated, as dogs are extremely attuned to human emotions.

It’s important to stop training immediately if you feel yourself becoming angry or annoyed with your dog. Do yourself and your partner a favor and take a break; you won’t be helping matters and will have to put in more effort the next time around to make up for it.

10. Unable to Have Enough Fun:

Incorrectly assuming that this is the case is the single biggest mistake individuals make. Train your dog while having a good time together.

Alternate orders, use a variety of training aids, and try a new training site. You may greatly increase your dog’s ability to learn new instructions if you keep it amused.


Dog training requires patience and dedication, but if you are willing to put in the effort, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences. Although there are many mistakes that can occur while training your dog, they all have simple solutions.

By being aware of the common pitfalls and taking steps to avoid them, you will be able to successfully train your pup and build a strong bond with him or her.