3 PROVEN Ways To Stop Your Dog From Biting People [Part1]

Biting is a common problem among puppies, and the longer you go without addressing it, the harder it can be to stop. In this article, we’ll discuss three of the most effective ways to help you how to train a puppy not to bite people.

Whether you’ve recently adopted a puppy or are trying to curb an older dog’s biting habit, these tips will help you get your pup back on track.

Why Is My Dog Biting?

“Why is my dog attacking people?” is one of the most often asked questions we hear all the time. Dogs may bite for many reasons, including fear, anxiety, stress, boredom, attention seeking, or hunger. However, the most common reason for biting is aggression.

There are several different types of aggression that may lead to biting. Fear aggression is often seen in dogs who have been abused or neglected. These dogs are often afraid of people and may bite out of self-defense. Anxiety aggression is seen in dogs who are anxious or stressed.

This may be due to separation anxiety, fear of loud noises, or other environmental factors. Possessive aggression occurs when a dog feels threatened by someone taking away something they consider to be theirs, such as food or a toy.

Territorial aggression happens when a dog perceives someone as a threat to their territory and may bite to protect their home or yard. Finally, defensive aggression is exhibited when a dog feels they are in danger and need to defend themselves.

If your dog is displaying any type of aggressive behavior, it’s important to seek professional help from a qualified trainer or behaviorist. They will be able to assess your individual situation and create a customized training plan to help your dog learn how to cope with their triggers in a positive way.

1. Assess the Situation

If your dog bites someone, it’s important to take the situation seriously. The first step is to assess what happened and why.

Did your dog bite in defense? Was he provoked or threatened in some way? Or did he bite out of excitement or aggression?


Understanding the reasons behind your dog’s biting can help you figure out how to best address the behavior. If your dog is defensive, for example, you’ll want to work on building his confidence.

If he’s aggressive, you’ll need to be extra careful to manage his environment and keep him from triggers that make him lash out.

2. Determine the Type of Bite

There are two types of dog bites: aggressive and defensive. Aggressive dog bites are meant to cause harm, while defensive bites are a reaction to feeling threatened.

It’s important to determine which type of bite your dog is exhibiting in order to know how to best deal with the situation.

If your dog is biting out of aggression, it’s important to get professional help. An aggression specialist can help you identify the root cause of the aggression and develop a plan to address it. In the meantime, keep your dog away from people and situations that trigger the aggression.

If your dog is biting out of fear or anxiety, there are several things you can do to help. First, work on building your dog’s confidence with positive reinforcement training.

3. What to Do If You Get Bitten

If you have a dog that bites people, there are a few things you can do to try and stop the behavior. First, you should have your dog checked out by a veterinarian to make sure there are no medical reasons for the biting. If your dog is healthy, then you can begin working on behavior modification.

There are a number of different techniques you can use to modify your dog’s biting behavior. One is to provide them with positive reinforcement when they refrain from biting.

You may use food, pet-play, or verbal praise. You will also want to avoid punishing your dog when they bite, as this could make the problem worse.

Another approach is to redirect your dog’s chewing urge onto something else, such as a chew toy. By giving them an appropriate outlet for their chewing, they may be less likely to bite people.


Finally, make sure that everyone in your household is consistent with the rules about not allowing your dog to bite. With patience and consistency, you should be able to stop your dog’s biting behavior.


Keeping your dog from biting people is an important responsibility for any pet owner. By following the three steps outlined above, you can help ensure that your pup remains friendly and well-behaved around people.

Remember to be patient with them and don’t get frustrated if they struggle at first; training takes time! With consistent effort and dedication, you can teach your pup to respect boundaries so everyone stays safe and happy.

Video: How To Train Your Puppy to STOP BITING You!