The 30-Day Plan for Potty Training Your Dog with Guaranteed Success!

Potty training a dog is no easy feat, but it doesn’t have to be an impossible task. In this article, we’ve put together a 30-day plan for potty training with guaranteed success!

Read on to find out all the steps you need to take and the tips and tricks that will help you successfully potty train your dog in just one month.

Taking the time to train and housebreak your dog is an important part of being a good dog owner. Similar to human children, dogs need to be taught how to use the restroom in appropriate locations.

First and foremost, you’ll need the quality of patience to successfully housebreak your dog. Be patient; potty training is not something that can be accomplished in a couple of days.

You must accept the fact that your dog will make some blunders during the toilet training process.000

How does that impact your life?

Your dog is likely to have mistakes in the house, maybe on the furniture and possibly in other areas you haven’t considered.

The most important thing is to relax and be gentle with your dog. Your dog-training efforts may falter if you encounter resistance.

Do not reprimand or shout at your dog if he makes a mistake during potty training.

Do make him aware that his actions were inappropriate without getting angry or frustrated with him. Use a high-pitched “Ah” or “No” if your dog uses the couch as a toilet during potty training.


To prevent your dog from making another bad decision, try playing one of these noises. Take him outdoors and point out where he can urinate after this. Put in a yes or a here and listen for a response.

These easy steps will teach your dog the rules without making him afraid of you. In the long run, your dog will be less anxious, which will make toilet training go more smoothly.

Dogs are less likely to promptly perform their duties when they are anxious. Generally speaking, potty training a nervous dog might take anywhere from three months to a year. Nobody like spending that much time cleaning up after others.

In the following paragraphs, you’ll find a detailed, step-by-step plan for training your puppy or dog in a month or less. It may appear to be an insurmountable challenge, but with the right application of a few basic principles, you can have a well-adjusted, housebroken dog in a matter of weeks.

If you follow these 4 steps, you can have a housebroken dog in 30 days:

  1. Confinement
  2. Training
  3. Use a leash
  4. Praise (Motivation and Encouragement)


Caging puppies or dogs makes housebreaking them much simpler. Puppies and young dogs need to be taught proper bathroom locations.

Keeping your dog in a confined space, such as a crate or cage, is the most usual option. Keep in mind that you should not abandon any items (blankets, newspapers, etc.) in the bottom of the crate.

The crate should be spacious enough for the dog to rotate around in and lay down in, but no more.

The greater the space, the more likely the dog is to use one end for elimination and the other for sleeping. For pups that may outgrow their crate, it is best to start with an adult-sized crate and divide it into smaller sections with a handmade insert or a crate insert purchased from the manufacturer.

Training with a Leash and Some Words:

Start teaching your dog the word “outside” when you take him for walks on a leash. The dog will eventually identify the term “outside” with going to the bathroom. At some point, you’ll be able to ask your dog, “do you need to go outside?” and get an unexpectedly informative response.

Barking and trotting up to visitors with tails wagging are two behaviors commonly reported by dog owners. To take the puppy outside quickly and easily, I recommend a slip leash.


If your puppy isn’t yet accustomed to walking on a leash, you should probably take it off his collar and bring him outside in a carrier instead of leaving him in his box.

Once you and the dog go outdoors, put the puppy down and replace your mantra with “potty time.” Keep the puppy in the same place; a little sniffing and exploring is OK.

Pull on the leash and say, “Go Potty” every time your puppy’s attention wanders to a nearby leaf or squirrel. Encourage elimination by saying “Good go potty” in a cheery voice each time it occurs.

If you want to reinforce elimination, use these phrases, but avoid stroking and treats throughout this training session. Remember to provide vocal compliments both during and after the performance. Typically, dogs will eliminate their waste once they have finished urinating.

Motivation and Encouragement:

Leashes should be used at all times when showing a dog (or puppy) the appropriate bathroom. A dog’s leash helps keep him close by so you can keep an eye on him and direct the situation. Everyone who has a dog knows how easily distracted they can be.

Your dog might get distracted from whatever you’re doing by a fresh bloom, a blown leaf, a stick, or another animal. A modest tug on the leash while standing close to the puppy can distract him from his curiosity.

Words have great influence, and when repeated, they send clear message to your dog.

Using elimination as a tool may be taught. To urinate, say “go potty,” and to defecate, say “go poop.” Once the dog learns the meaning of the words, he’ll know exactly what I want and when I want it.

It may be whatever you like, like “ok go,” “hurry,” “work time,” “bathroom time,” or, of course, the ubiquitous “tinkles.” Think about how often you’ll be saying your chosen term or phrase before deciding on it.

Proper timing is crucial:

Puppies should be allowed to leave their crates when they have eliminated in an appropriate manner. Puppy should only be allowed to spend time outside of the kennel after he has gone potty.


Puppies show the same behavioral cues every time they have to go potty, including a halt in play, circling, sniffing, and a dash out of the room accompanied by a distinctive “look” on their faces. In time, you’ll learn to recognize these indicators.


Mishaps are inevitable. Everybody knows that picking up the pieces after a disaster is a drag. Whenever you discover your puppy engaging in toilet training disaster, you have a golden opportunity to correct his or her behavior. If you follow these steps, you’ll have a much easier time teaching your class.

You may have a fully potty-trained dog in as little as 30 days if you take the time to follow all of these tips and tactics and maintain your patience.


Potty training your dog can be a daunting task, but with the right plan and a bit of patience, it is achievable! Our 30-day potty training plan is designed to help you teach your pup how to use the bathroom outside in just one month.

With our tips, tricks and guidance, you’ll have a well-trained pup in no time. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and see just how quickly your pup starts understanding the concept of potty training!