5 Effective Training Tips to Stop Your Puppy Biting

Puppies are known for their playful and curious nature, but unfortunately, this often leads to biting behavior. Puppy biting can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience for both the puppy and the owner.

However, it’s important to remember that this is a normal stage of development for puppies and can be corrected with proper puppy training. In this article, we will discuss 5 effective training tips to stop your puppy from biting.

Have you wondered, “How can I prevent a dog from biting people?” Puppies naturally explore their world by mouthing and biting, but it’s crucial to teach them boundaries about what they can and can’t chew on.

At a very young age, puppies start biting. During the teething phase, it is typical for them to chew on items like human infants do.

In addition, many canines would rather use their jaws than their paws to manipulate items. Puppyhood is when dogs first start acting this way as they discover their environment.

Although your puppy’s nibbling may seem sweet at first, those nibbles will soon become unpleasant bites. Dogs frequently don’t realize how hard they’re biting because of how strong their puppy teeth are. So, raising a puppy usually involves at least one instance of Fido biting down on a finger and drawing blood.

It goes without saying that this is not a desirable trait in human beings, especially not as an adult. Do you want to know how to prevent a puppy from biting?

Below are proven tips on how to prevent your puppy from biting:

1. Control the Biting:

As a first step in training your puppy to quit biting, you should try to prevent him from doing so. Puppies often mouth each other as they play, but this is completely natural behavior. But this cooing may swiftly develop into a nasty bite. Whenever this occurs, the puppy getting bit will scream, which will scare off the other puppy and cause him to stop biting.

You may use this trait to your advantage to train your puppy not to bite and set appropriate limits on his mouthing. When a puppy grabs too tightly, you may simulate the yelping sound they make by letting go of your hand. Once the puppy lets go, ignore him for 10-20 seconds before picking up where you left off.


However, keep in mind that you must not withdraw from the bite. Your puppy’s natural tendency to chase may be triggered, making the situation much more difficult. A loud “Ow!” or other vocal deterrents can be used in place of the yelp if you don’t want to make that sound or if it doesn’t work.

It’s not recommended to go through the entire “go limp and yell” routine more than three times in a 15-minute period. In this case, it’s time for a puppy timeout.

The idea is to show the pup that gentle play is encouraged and aggressive play is not tolerated. When the severe bites have been stopped, you may move on to training them to stop the weaker ones. You can perhaps show him that mouthing without biting is OK but biting is not.

2. Redirect Your Puppy’s Energy:

Puppies have a lot of energy, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. This will help to tire them out and reduce the likelihood of biting.

To prevent your dog from biting, remove your hand from his lips just before he makes contact and then either give him a reward or wave a chew toy in front of him.

Noncontact games like fetch and tug-of-war can also help fulfil your puppy’s need to mouth things. However, remember that you should never pull with excessive force.

Teaching your puppy different commands like: “let go” or “leave it” will allow you to take items out of his mouth without him reacting with destructive puppy bites.

You can help prevent this by providing your puppy with plenty of physical and mental stimulation to channel his or her energy in positive ways. Your puppy can benefit from regular walks or supervised playtime in a fenced-in yard.

In addition to wearing them out physically, this will also give them a chance to learn about their surroundings and sharpen their senses. Playing interactive games like fetch or tug-of-war with your puppy is a fun way to spend quality time together and give them a good workout.

Redirecting your puppy’s energy includes mentally stimulating him or her as well. Training, puzzle toys, and games of hide-and-seek are all excellent ways to keep the mind active and engaged. Your puppy’s mind will benefit greatly from the focused attention and strategic problem solving required during training.


Puppy puzzle toys are great because they require your dog to use its brain to figure out how to get to the treat inside. Playing hide-and-seek with your puppy helps to keep them mentally active because it challenges them to use their sense of smell to locate you.

3. Distraction

Puppies will mouth anything within reach, including humans. Curiosity is the main motivation for doing this. There are a number of techniques you may take to prevent your dog from damaging your furniture. In addition to making your house secure for your new dog, you should provide him or her plenty of safe and engaging chew toys.

Your puppy’s level of chewing and destruction should guide your selection of these toys. If you see her shred a soft toy in just two minutes, it might be time to switch her over to rubber or hard plastic toys.

Puppies can be diverted from other chewing activities with the use of hide-the-treat toys. This sort of toy serves a dual purpose of entertaining your dog and stimulating her mind as she works to unlock the secret to the hidden treat within.

Your dog can also be distracted by scheduling playtime with other dogs, either puppies or older dogs that have been up-to-date on their vaccinations. Your puppy will learn how hard to bite from other dogs, and she’ll benefit from meeting new dog friends.

4. Deterrence

There are a number of devices on the market that aim to deter a dog from destroying furniture or electronics.  Your dog will associate a bad taste in his mouth with chewing on household items like furniture and other items when you use these substances.

However, spraying your items with these substances is not a foolproof way to prevent your puppy from biting. The first and second phases in training with them are crucial.

First, train your dog to link the fragrance with a negative experience, such as an unpleasant taste, so that he will avoid undesirable chewing objects even when exposed to the smell.

Do this by placing a small amount of the ingredient on a tissue or cotton ball and placing it gently in your puppy’s mouth. The best course of action is for him to immediately spit it out. You should let him smell it after he spits it out so he can make the connection.

If you’re actually utilizing the product for training purposes, the second step will come in helpful. Step two requires that your dog be kept away from water for at least an hour after initial contact with the treatment.


It may sound cruel, but the deterrent will lose its effectiveness if your dog figures out he can just go to his dish to wash the flavor away.

To prevent him from licking or chewing things you don’t want him to, use the product once a day throughout training. If you want your puppy to quit chewing things, you’ll need to do this every day for the next two to four weeks.

5. Biters of the Ankle

The majority of puppy bites occur during play, however this is not always the case. Many dogs find great amusement in nibbling at their owners’ feet and ankles while they move. The herding breeds are the ones most affected by this.

A puppy may be taught not to bite your heels if you carry its favourite toy in your pocket. Stop moving as soon as she starts biting at your heels and swing the toy around so she can focus on it.

You might also try stopping what you’re doing when he bites, and rewarding him with the toy or treat as soon as he lets go. When your puppy stops biting at your heel, be sure to reward him with praise. The goal is for your dog to learn that there are positive outcomes once undesirable actions are stopped.

Biting and nipping are normal puppy habits that are unacceptable in adult dogs. Keep in mind that between the ages of 18 months and 2 years, when “cute” puppy behaviour starts to become aggravating to the owner, is when the vast majority of dogs are surrendered to shelters by their owners.


Stopping your puppy from biting is a major step in raising a well-mannered canine friend. You can successfully prevent your puppy from biting by using positive reinforcement techniques, providing suitable chew toys, teaching bite inhibition, and redirecting your puppy’s energy.

Always seek the assistance of a professional trainer if you feel you need it, and remember to be consistent and patient in your training efforts. Eventually, your puppy will stop biting and grow into a well-behaved, devoted friend if you put in the time, energy, and dedication.

Video: Training Tips to Stop Your Puppy Biting