7 Dog Training Commands Every Dog Should Learn


Dog training may be an enjoyable and gratifying experience for you and your loyal dog. Your ability to communicate with and bond with your dog will benefit greatly by learning a few simple commands.

Here, we’ll go over the six must-know commands for your pup: sit, no, down, heel, come, and leave it. These commands are useful whether you’re an experienced dog owner or just starting out.

Mastering these commands will not only help you and your dog bond more closely, but it will also protect your dog in a variety of settings. The “come” command, for instance, can save your dog’s life if he’s ever in jeopardy.

Similar to how teaching your dog to “stay” can keep him from dashing into traffic, teaching him to “leave it” can keep him from eating something he shouldn’t. You and your dog could have a lot of laughs and bonding time during the training process. So, let’s get started so you can have a well-trained, obedient, and contented pet.

List of Dog Commands

1. SIT

Should be the first command you teach. With a few minor exceptions, the majority of dog training recommendation is in agreement.

The simplest way to teach this command is to make the intended result happen effortlessly. Hold the food bowl behind their head and above it for very young puppies.

Your puppy looks up, stumbles, then sits. You appreciate the puppy and give him a treat after repeating the command, “SIT.” Continue doing this at each mealtime and with treats until he can sit down on command without even being prompted by food.

Older dogs have better balance, so you might need to take an extra step. Some dog training methods advise using a leash with no slack to keep your dog still, followed by the simple command SIT while holding a treat above and behind his head.

If your dog continues to struggle, press with your fingers and thumb directly in front of his hipbone or slip your palm over his rump and press while tucking his legs and tail under to make him sit.


Always give praise and rewards for successful outcomes. The SIT Command’s success will serve as the foundation for all subsequent fundamental commands.

2. NO

The second command your dog has to learn is NO. This command requires constancy from each household member as well as you, the trainer. The NO command must always be given out loud and in a guttural voice.

Don’t say it out loud in a panicky or high-pitched manner that you wouldn’t normally use if you came home to find your dog chewing up your favorite pair of shoes.

To convey your disapproval, you must speak in an authoritative, incisive, and powerful tone. Withhold interest as a form of discipline. The secret to training your dog is consistency.


Every dog needs to know the STAY command. Expanding on SIT, stand next to your dog while taunting him with the leash held directly above his head. Add gestures and put your open palm in front of the dog’s nose.

To stop your dog from moving forward, command him to STAY and step in front of him. Repeat the STAY command and hand signal if the person moves.

Remain next to him if he does, instruct him to hold his STAY for a short period of time, then give him a reward.

Continue to gradually increase the distance and hold time with each training session, as you would with any other dog training method. The three D’s are an important element when teaching your dog to STAY: Distance, Duration, and Distractions.

As I’ve just indicated, your dog’s grasp of this command can be put to test by introducing distractions after you’ve trained for some time.

Before the distance becomes too great, introduce distractions when training your dog. Common distractions include another dog going by, someone approaching the training area with a toy, etc.



Right after the SIT command has been learnt, DOWN can be taught. It’s crucial to stick to the term DOWN. Your dog is unable to comprehend phrases like “lay down.” Your dog must be consistently taught that the command DOWN only means to lay down.

Train OFF as your order if you want to teach your dog to get out of your chair. First tell your dog to sit before trying to teach him to lay down. By sliding the goodie between his legs and moving it forward, you can get your dog to lay down.

Praise and reward when the desired status is attained. Make sure to blend each command as you teach your dog a new one to prevent the emergence of patterns and to reinforce each successful activity. DOWN AND STAY, COME AND SIT (SIT STAY DOWN)


Making your dog HEEL makes taking walks around the neighborhood more enjoyable. You have probably seen or seen an owner who walks their dog for them. Because they have not been taught to HEEL, the owner is terrified of every approaching person or animal.

On a walk, you want your dog to stay close to you. When humans or other dogs are around to distract him, he won’t pull you or become too difficult to handle.

Start with SIT and add “Let’s Walk” so your dog will understand what to expect after learning to HEEL.

An excellent suggestion is to play with your dog before teaching him to heel. Exercise all extra energy, then instruct your dog in a peaceful, distraction-free environment. Using your dog’s name and the command HEEL, begin at SIT.

If your dog flees from you instead of staying by your side, turn around and give the order “HEEL” and the dog’s name again. Always remember to reward and treat desired responses.


The word COME is the sixth fundamental command that must be taught to your dog before training can begin. All dogs want to come to you, so this command should be simple, right? Owners need to utilize COME more frequently in regular interactions if they want their dog to learn it.

When you open the refrigerator door, your dog will COME. Put your dog in the SIT and STAY positions, then switch locations, say COME, and use your dog’s name to reinforce the order. With each and every successful outcome, give praise and rewards.


One extremely important thing to keep in mind is to NEVER scold or punish your dog for coming when called.

The truth is that when his safety is in danger, that’s when you need your dog to respond to COME the most. Your dog escaped and may now be at risk from passing automobiles.

COME brings your dog back inside, where he is safe. Your natural inclination will be to chastise your dog for bolting out of fear. Keep up your consistency in training, give your dog praise, and give rewards.

This is a fairly succinct summary of the training methods and procedures to apply when you teach your dog the fundamental commands. While training, repetition will be needed numerous times.

Repetition will also be necessary as distance and time increase, as well as when distractions are added. The training of these commands will require patience and time.

7. Leave it

Teaching your dog to “leave it” is an important step in keeping your pet safe and preventing undesirable behavior. Here’s how to teach your dog the command “leave it”:

  1. Start with treats in your hand: Start by showing your dog a goodie and commanding him to “leave it.” You can keep your dog from eating the treat by closing your hand around it.
  2. Wait for obedience: Keep your hand closed and wait for your dog to quit trying to receive the treat before opening it and rewarding him with another treat. It may take numerous repetitions for your dog to finally listen to you when you say “leave it” and quit attempting to receive the treat.
  3. Gradually make it harder: When your dog has mastered the preceding step, you can make things more challenging by displaying the treat on the ground. If your dog refuses a treat after hearing “leave it,” praise him with another treat.
  4. Practice in different settings: Once your dog has mastered the “leave it” command while being rewarded with treats, it is time to move on to practicing the command in new environments and with new items (such as toys, food, etc.).
  5. Reinforce positive behavior: Treats, praise, and affection should always be used to promote good behaviour. In order to train effectively, consistency and perseverance are essential.

It’s important to be patient with your dog if he or she is still learning the “leave it” command; training is a process, after all. Your dog will learn if you are patient and persistent during training.


In conclusion, if you want to live in peace with your dog, you need to give it fundamental training commands. This article lays a solid groundwork for additional training and excellent behavior by covering the six basic commands of sit, stay, come, heel, lay down, and leave it.

Training your dog takes time and patience, but the rewards are worth it in the form of better communication, greater security, and a closer link between you and your dog. Don’t put off starting until tomorrow; begin right now and enjoy the journey. Do this for your dog’s sake; he or she will be eternally grateful.

I believe that if you start your dog’s training with these basic commands, both you and your dog will find that the more difficult training will be less difficult.


Video: 6 Dog Training Commands Every Dog Should Learn