Train Your Dog Like a Pro: 5 Most Effective Training Techniques


Dog training is an essential aspect of pet ownership that helps build a strong bond between the dog and its owner. There are several techniques used by professional trainers to help dogs develop good behaviors and obedience.

Although all dog training techniques teach the same fundamental dog training commands, your dog may respond better to one technique than the other.

In this article we will discuss 5 popular dog training techniques: traditional training, clicker training, positive reinforcement, dog whispering training, and electronic training.

Each technique focuses on different approaches to training and aims to achieve different goals. Understanding these techniques is crucial in choosing the right method that works best for both the dog and the owner.

For example, obedience schools generally employ positive reinforcement. While some schools just employ this strategy, others combine both corrective and proactive measures. Based on the behavior of the dog, the form of training should be selected.

Main Dog Training Techniques

1. Traditional Training

The 1950s are when the modernized form of conventional training first appeared. This method of teaching a dog employs physical punishment. For instance, you can gently jerk your pet’s collar if you want him to sit but he refuses.

When he completes a task well, you should praise him and say words like “Good Dog.” This method is viewed as being outmoded by many modern trainers.

However, this approach works effectively with some dog breeds, such as Pit Bulls. Training with positive reinforcement does not work on pit bulls.

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2. Clicker Training

A common teaching strategy today is clicker training. The method can be applied to teaching simple commands, dealing with behavioral issues like excessive barking, or potty training.


The underlying idea of this method is that “operant conditioning” is the best method for dogs to learn.

Animals learn from their surroundings through operant conditioning, and they react to good consequences more so than negative ones. Purely positive reinforcement training is what clicker training is. Your beloved dog is shown what is right via the clicker.

The technique is well-liked since it is gentle and provides a positive experience for both you and your dog. This kind of training is used in schools. These institutions frequently sell trained canines.

Step-by-step guide for clicker training your dog

Introduce the clicker: Click it and then quickly reward him with a goodie. This process should be repeated multiple times until your dog learns to associate the sound with a reward.

Select a Behavior: Select a simple behavior you wish to teach your dog, such as sitting, touching a target, or lying down.

Mark the behavior: Click the clicker and offer a treat as soon as your dog displays the required behavior to “mark” it. A good dog will appreciate this affirmation of his good behavior.

Repeat and reinforce: Reinforce the desired behavior by performing the process multiple times and increasing the difficulty as necessary. Never wait too long to click and treat a good behavior.

Fade out the clicker: Removing the clicker as a reinforcement mechanism is an option once the desired behavior has been firmly established. The clicks and treats should be given at increasingly longer intervals at first, until the dog is doing the behavior independently of the clicker.

Finally, you should assist your dog generalize the behavior by practicing him in a wide range of situations.

Training sessions should be kept brief and upbeat, and excellent behavior should always be rewarded. Dogs of all ages and breeds can benefit from clicker training, and the technique can be used to teach them a wide variety of commands.


3. Positive Reinforcement or Reward Training

Another technique for positive reinforcement is dog reward training. Instead of a clicker, there is some sort of reward here. Your dog’s favorite food or toy might be used as a reward.

Give your pet the treat and give it to them while encouraging them in a cheerful, high-pitched voice. This technique boosts enthusiasm in both you and your beloved dog.

Step-by-step guide for positive reinforcement training

Choose a behavior: You and your dog should decide on a specific behavior, such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” or “heel,” that you wish to teach him.

Identify the incentive: Think of something your dog enjoys and utilize it to encourage positive behavior. Effective rewards include food, playthings, compliments, and love.

Get your dog’s attention: To get your dog interested in training, you should first attract their attention by displaying a tasty gift.

Encourage the behavior: You can use a vocal command or a hand signal to encourage your dog to execute the activity you want.

Reward the behavior: When your dog shows the desired behavior, quickly reward him. Giving the treat near the dog’s face and using a cheerful voice are also good ways to reinforce good behavior.

Repeat and reinforce: Reinforce the desired behavior by doing this over and over again, each time making it a little harder. It’s important to remember to promptly acknowledge good behavior.

Gradually fade out the treats: Reduce the frequency of treats and replace them with praise and affection once the habit has been thoroughly established.

4. Dog Whispering

Some dogs respond quite well to this training strategy. The foundation of our approach is your companion dog and your mutual understanding and connection. This method requires you to be aware of your own body language when training your pet.


This training technique requires correction, but you must choose the correction based on your pet’s behavior. For instance, you can discipline your dog by placing a clawed hand over his neck if he starts acting aggressively toward another dog.

This is comparable to what mother dogs would do in a similar circumstance in the wild. In order to use this method, you must research canine behavior. It forges an extremely solid link between you and your dog.

These are the approaches that are frequently used to train guide dogs. Dogs can be trained for a variety of jobs. There are frequently dog boarding facilities at schools that provide guard dog training.

5. Electronic Training

Collars with a spray of Citronella may also be used for this purpose, however the common name is “shock collar training.”

In situations when the dog is not immediately accessible to the owner, such as when walking on a leash would be impractical, this training comes in handy. Studies show that this kind of training produces extreme stress on the dogs that undergo it.

Now that you’ve discovered various common dog training techniques – which one will you implement in your puppy basic training?


In conclusion, when it comes to training your dog, you have a number of options. In order to select the best method for you and your dog, you must have a clear understanding on how each strategy differs in its approach and its intended outcomes.

Five of the most common methods utilized by experts are the “old fashioned” variety, “clicker training,” “positive reinforcement,” “dog whispering,” and “electronic training.” You and your dog need to discover a training strategy that suits your lifestyle and your dog’s personality.

The keys to successful dog training are consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. Having a well-behaved dog and forming a close bond with it are both possible outcomes of following a structured training programme and providing consistent, positive human leadership.

Video: The Best Dog Training Tips – YouTube