[Quiz] Dogs Make a Difference: How They Help People in Different Ways


[Quiz] Dogs Make a Difference: How They Help People in Different Ways

For the majority of their lives, some dogs cheerfully do extremely taxing jobs...

  • What's a psychiatric service dog? And why we need them?
  • How can a dog help a person with a physical impairment?
  • Is it appropriate to speak to a guide dog while it is ON THE JOB?
  • What do we mean by saying: "Selective or Intelligent Disobedience"?

In this quiz, you'll learn more about the amazing dogs that help people in so many different ways.

Have fun with this super simple and enjoyable quiz!

Guide dogs are trained to ignore commands that may endanger their human partner, this ability is called...

A service dog that assists a person with a physical impairment or who uses a wheelchair is known as...


It is appropriate to speak to a guide dog while it is ON THE JOB.

Therapy dogs are used to improve patients' moods in places like hospitals, but do they have the same legal status as service dogs in the US?

Guide dogs assist the blind, but not all service dogs are guide dogs. Can you identify which type of dog is NOT commonly used as a guide dog?

In the US, service dog owners have access to most public spaces with the proper paperwork.

Psychiatric service dogs assist those with mental disabilities, such as autism, by helping them maintain attention and go out in public. They are trained to stay close to their owner at all times.

Other dogs, called "hearing" or "signal" dogs, are trained to help the deaf. They come up to their owner when they hear any number of sounds and then....

A seizure alert dog is one that knows to either stay with their owner during seizures or to alert emergency personnel. In the United States, some dogs are taught to press a button on a console that, when activated, causes the phone to dial a predetermined number, this number is...

Another animal that has been "tested" to help in retrieval is the....


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