11 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Dog Bad Breath At Home


Bad breath is not just exclusive to humans. You’d be surprised when you smell your dog’s breath and it stinks. Some may find it hard to believe but dogs are also at risk in having bad breath.

In this article you’ll learn the best way to get rid of dog bad breath at home, so lease keep reading

Awful breath in dogs is fairly easy to detect. When your pet starts to have an unusually offensive odor, take action on getting animal mouth treatments. To get rid of bad dog breath, know these simple remedies and let your pet breathe to good health.

Pup bacteria’s causes range from poor oral hygiene, acidity, dental problems, dehydration, high protein diet, poor digestion, health problems, and among others.

Why Does My Dog Stink? Attempts to answer this question

Understanding the root cause of your dog’s halitosis is the first step in finding an effective treatment. After all, masking their bad breath may work temporarily, but it won’t solve the problem permanently. Canine bad breath is often caused by a combination of the following factors:

1. Plaque and tartar accumulation, leading to poor dental health

Dogs, like people, are susceptible to dental plaque and tartar development, the leading cause of foul breath in canines.

According to Dr. Sarah Dougherty, DVM, the scent you may detect when your fur baby licks your face is caused by the discharge of byproducts including stinking Sulphur from germs that have built up on the dog’s teeth.

2. Something Ended Up in Their Mouths

It’s conceivable that your dog has acquired something stuck between their teeth or gums, even if you wash their teeth every day.

Bad breath in your dog might be the result of a bacterial illness caused by something lodged in his mouth.


Immediately take your dog to the doctor if you notice anything unusual about its behavior or if you think he may have a foreign object caught in his mouth.

3. Low quality of food

Bad breath may be brought on by a poor diet and an imbalance in the gut bacteria. Consult your vet about your pet’s nutritional requirements, the kinds of food they can tolerate, and any allergies they may have before trying any of the solutions below.

Gum and tooth disorders might be exacerbated by your dog’s underlying health condition, since illnesses like renal disease and diabetes can raise the quantity of glucose in the saliva.

If you discover your dog has bad breath, don’t wait to take him to the doctor; he or she can diagnose the problem and create a treatment plan specifically for your dog.

If your dog has terrible breath, try some of these at-home treatments until you can have them professionally checked out.

4. Abnormal Practices, such as Consuming Garbage

Dr. Bernal warns that the mischief that many dogs enjoy during the day might have a negative effect on the odor of their breath.

In her words, “a dog’s breath may stink if it rummages through the trash for leftovers or… is prone to eat excrement,” whether that poop be from the dog’s own digestive tract, another dog, or a cat. You could be thinking, “Well, that’s true, but what can you do to prevent it?”

Try one of these tried-and-true home remedies:

1. Aromatic herbs

Herbs like mint and parsley that have just been trimmed may do wonders for your dog breath. dog’s food once a day.

It is also possible to prepare a herbal tea by combining one spoonful of freshly cut herb with one cup of boiling water. Put it on low heat and let it simmer for a while. Keep cold and locked up. Mix a teaspoon of this tea into your dog’s regular water dish.

2. Coriander

Coriander, a leafy green plant, may be used to eliminate dog breath smell. To make a drink or supplement your dog’s meal with some coriander, just add a few tablespoons of the chopped herb.


An effective home treatment is a coriander tea made by steeping three leaves in a cup of hot water. Do this once a day by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to your dog’s clean water. Repeat in a week if necessary.

3. Fruits and vegetables such as apples and carrots

In moderation, fresh fruits and vegetables are a healthy supplement to your dog’s diet.

Apples and carrots have an unmatched nutritional profile, but their advantages extend well beyond that. Indeed, the beta-carotene and vitamins A, E, and C included in these unprocessed plant-based meals are great for fighting bad breath in dogs.

Most dogs like these items, but they often contain a lot of sugar from natural sources. As a result, you should save them for special occasions and enjoy them in little quantities.

4. Dog Toothbrush You Can Make Yourself

You still haven’t convinced Fido that a human toothbrush is in his best interest, right? Start by wrapping a clean piece of gauze around your finger and rubbing it over your dog’s teeth to get them used to the sensation before you go on to a thorough brushing.

Rubber finger brushes are also available. Avoid using human toothpaste on your dog since it might contain xylitol, a chemical that can cause fatal liver failure in canines.

The same goes for your dog; baking soda is toxic to them and should be avoided at all costs. If you want to brush your dog’s teeth, use dog toothpaste.

5. Add a dash of Parsley

The vitamin and mineral rich king of garnishes is beneficial for your dog’s immune syste, and kidneys.

It may reduce inflammation and discomfort from arthritis and other inflammatory illnesses, calm an upset stomach or digestive issues, and is rich in antioxidants that protect against free-radical damage. It also has a well-known use as a dog’s breath mint.

Sprinkle over food or mix with water (1 teaspoon for 20 pounds of bodyweight) to make a juice that can be poured directly into the water bowl for your dog.


Furthermore, take care to choose the curly leaf variety. Although it appears like parsley, spring parsley really comes from the carrot family and is very hazardous to canines.

6. Put some dental chews in your dog’s mouth

While it’s essential to clean your dog’s teeth every day, Dr. Dougherty advises purchasing enzymatically coated dental chews as a supplementary strategy to boost their dental health.

These dental treats are great for removing plaque from your dog’s teeth and maintaining minty fresh breath.

Dr. Dougherty explained that the chews have the same enzymes found in toothpaste on their outside. The reduction in bacterial counts on the teeth and the destruction of tartar by enzymes are two additional benefits.

7. Adding a little bit of lemon juice to your dog’s water bowl

Similar to apple cider vinegar, the acidic qualities of lemon juice make it effective against dental plaque and tartar. Making lemon juice at home with a fresh lemon and some water is the most natural method to serve it.

Add either a whole lemon or only the peel to a cup of boiling water. Wrap it up, let it cool, and then put it in the fridge. Do this once a day by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to your dog’s clean water. Keep doing this every day for a week.

8. Use Aloe Vera to Fight Halitosis and Other Bad Breath Causes

Though it makes a lovely ornamental plant, aloe vera is also a powerful medical herb.

The germs that cause bad breath in dogs may be neutralized by the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera.

Those with a green thumb may grow their own aloe vera leaves or buy a commercially prepared aloe vera product that claims to aid digestion.

9. The Refreshing Effects of Mint

Common knowledge holds that mint is one of the most effective plants for stimulating digestion, dispelling gas and bloating, and calming inflammation.


These characteristics allow mint to inhibit acid reflux, which prevents bad breath-causing germs from entering the mouth.

Dogs have a natural preference for the flavor of mint, but you may also hide the aftertaste by mixing a few mint leaves into their diet.

10. Get your dog to drink more water

If you’ve ever been thirsty and dehydrated, you know how heavy your breath can become. Your dog is no different!

Bad breath may be a symptom of dehydration, so make sure your dog gets plenty of fresh water and that you always have a portable water bowl on hand.

11. Cleaning the dog dishes

Cleaning the dog dishes is an important part of making sure your pet has a healthy diet. Bad breath-causing germs and smells may thrive in unclean bowls.

At least once each week, use a mild soap and water solution to thoroughly clean your dog’s bowls. The bowls may also be cleaned quite well by using the dishwasher.

For How Long Should You Use a Home Remedy to Treat Your Dog’s Bad Breath?

Talking to your vet before trying a new home remedy is always a good idea. Coconut oil and herbal therapies are two examples of long-lasting, effective home remedies for dog’s bad breath.

The easiest approach to keep your dog from developing bad breath or dental illness is to wash its teeth at least once a day.

When a Home Remedy Won’t Help

Home remedies for canine bad breath have been addressed above. Knowing both when to use them and when not to is crucial.

Your dog’s vet should be consulted if bad breath lasts more than a few days.


If you take your pet to the vet, they may check for underlying causes of the foul breath, such gum disease or teeth problems, and provide treatment suggestions based on their findings.

How to Keep Your Dog’s Breath Fresh

Many potentially fatal problems may develop from gum disease in your dog. Poor dental care or periodontal disease in your dog may increase their risk of developing cardiac problems as they age.

Brush your dog’s teeth twice a week using a dog-safe toothpaste and a toothbrush that is simple to use.

Pay attention to any changes in their breath odor as an indicator of gum health issues or gum inflammation. If you think your dog has a dental issue, you should take him to the doctor.

You can certainly imagine the pain your dog is in if you’ve ever had a toothache yourself.

In addition to promoting your dog’s dental health, keeping things interesting by regularly switching up your dog’s chew toys may help keep him from becoming bored.

Dogs could benefit from somewhat abrasive treats, but most dogs devour them too quickly for them to effectively eliminate tartar.

Although it may not be your favorite chore, you should never neglect your dog’s dental health.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to use this post to find some effective home cures for your dog’s bad breath.

Before leaving, take a look at these 3 foods silently poisoning your dog!

Watch this video to discover 3 common foods that cause bad doggy breath and are slowly killing your dog…


Yes, they’re really that bad – AVOID giving these foods to your pup at all costs… 3 foods that are poisoning your dog… Watch the video…

best way to get rid of dog bad breath at home