How to Train a German Shepherd Puppy FAST & EASY!

German Shepherds are an intelligent, loyal, and active breed of dog. So if you’re thinking of getting a German Shepherd puppy, it’s important to consider the right training methods to ensure your pup grows up obedient, well-behaved and happy. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how to train a German Shepherd puppy fast and easy!

An obedient German Shepherd is a joy and a delight to have. A German Shepherd who is impossible to tame, constantly lunges at other dogs, and pulls violently on the leash is more than just an annoyance. A real nuisance. If you had to choose, which would it be? The option is totally up to you.

An extraordinarily well-behaved German Shepherd may be yours with minimal time and effort spent training.

But how can we accomplish this?

This question has a rather simple solution. You need to take charge and direct the others. You must gain the dog’s respect.

Many people assume, falsely, that much time spent training is required to produce an obedient dog. This is undeniably true. One of the most trainable dog breeds is the German Shepherd.

It’s not necessary to have a very dominating personality type for this to work. This does mean that you need to be consistent with your training and your training directions.

And even when still a puppy, your German Shepherd must learn that disobeying the order “No!” does not mean it is free to continue doing whatever he was doing before. He needs to end right this second.

Leash Training:

Training with a leash from an early age has several benefits. Waiting till the puppy is older might lead to conflict. Introduce the leash only after the puppy has gotten accustomed to having the collar around its neck for a few days.

Introduce it to hem as a toy at first. Sometimes it’s best to just leave the leash attached to the collar and let nature take its course. Give the dog a chance to pull it about for a little bit.


Get started by wrapping a comfortable leather collar around his neck. Don’t make any unnatural movements when trying to button the collar. You need to move quickly and deftly.

Distract the dog from having his neck snagged by the collar by playing with him after you’ve put it on. Let him go about with the collar on for a few days to become used to it. The concept of leash training can then be introduced.

The procedure of teaching him to walk on leash may begin after he is accustomed to the leash and shows no resistance to it.

In a very real and simple sense, food is the best tool for the job. Choose an appetizing treat that piques his interest. Use the leash as a lure to get his attention and get him to follow you.

Cheese, a delightful treat for most dogs, or little chunks of boiled liver are good options for the meal you use. If it’s more convenient for you, you may slice off a tiny bit of sausage.

Walk with the leash slack and a positive tone of voice to encourage the puppy to follow you.

Even if he has only followed you a short distance, go down on one knee and lavish him with praise and the piece of liver (or whatever treat you are using).

Carry on doing this until your German Shepherd Dog is able to travel a considerable distance without pulling and trying to free himself from the leash’s confines.

The rate of advancement is sluggish. Don’t try to replicate a one-time, extraordinary achievement. Stop! Take away the chain. Interact with him in play. Even the leash itself may serve as a toy. However, keep the collar on.

You and your puppy can gradually increase your daily walking distance with positive reinforcement. This is a wonderful experience for the puppy. Also, the day is coming when you may stop using the food as a reward. All the praise and motivation you can give me is fine.


Don’t lose hope if your puppy struggles to walk on a leash, since this is a normal occurrence. A puppy may need a few days of exposure to the activity before he realizes it is enjoyable; but, if he can see by your actions that you are having as much fun as he is, he will likely come to share your enthusiasm. Get better at what you do by doing it regularly.

Even if it takes a week, he will understand and learn to associate the leash with a pleasurable experience. If you are trying to rush the training process, having a little patience in the beginning will save you a lot of time and energy.

However, a word of caution:

While there are certainly some animals who are exceedingly resistant, you must not exhibit the smallest sign of anger throughout the process.

That’s easier to say than do! This challenge will put your strength of character to the test. Even if you have a good reason to be angry, showing it will put you back weeks in training before you can win back the pup’s trust.

Courses in Dog Obedience:

Joining a dog training club and enrolling in obedience lessons is a good idea whether or not you plan on competing in obedience events. The average age at which training may begin is 6 months, however this might vary based on the dog’s personality and size.

Initiating your big-breed puppy early in life may be beneficial if he or she is particularly huge or rowdy. Regardless, the fact that the dog has learned to mingle with other dogs at a young age is of enormous importance, even if he is not yet ready for formal training.

There are many different ways to train an individual, and they vary based on the trainer’s style and expertise, but there are certain universal principles that apply to all of them.

All training must begin with strict discipline. The dog is under your control and must comply. How quickly he follows your orders or waits for his own convenience is up to you. However, discipline is the cornerstone of every training programme.

If you think your dog will obey you because he loves you, you’re mistaken. You deserve respect from him. Respect entails doing what one is told, or as one is told to do. Training is basic in nature. It includes both compliments and criticisms. You should compliment him if he follows your orders. If he disobeys, he must be instructed otherwise.

To a considerable extent, the level of correction applied determines the training technique difference. Again, this is something that has to do with the animal’s personality.


Some animals are so delicate that they simply need a gentle verbal scolding. A harsher approach may be needed for a stubborn dog. It takes a certain degree of discernment to know where your dog best belongs.


Training a German Shepherd puppy can be both an exciting and challenging experience. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can teach your pup new skills and behaviors that will help him or her grow into a happy and well-behaved adult dog.

Whether it’s learning basic commands or mastering more advanced tricks, training your German Shepherd is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. So take the time to invest in proper training for your pup – it will pay off in the long run!