How to Train Dogs with Different Temperaments

While there is a wide range of dog personalities and some overlapping characteristics, this article will focus on how to train a dog in three main temperament types and the appropriate training approaches for each.

Perhaps exaggeratedly, but nevertheless recognizably, there are three varieties of dogs. The end goal is the same in both: a well-trained dog that follows our lead.

For the sake of brevity, let’s assume that we want to train our dog to walk gently at heel without any tugging, dragging, straining, or lagging. Let’s have a look at how the aforementioned three dogs can serve as training examples.

We’ll need a long, sturdy leather lead and a training collar for our purposes.

Put the collar around the neck in such a manner that it will tighten when the leash is yanked but will loosen when the lead is loosened. The extraordinary simplicity of this dog training collar means it may be used effectively on any of the three dogs.

Start with dog number one, the hyperactive, anxious pooch. We’re going to call him “Rambo” from now on.

1. Excessive Dog Excitement: “Rambo”

You quickly advance while aiming your fireball at our left. A “Heel” command is delivered to the dog. In spite of your right hand’s strong grip on the leash, you should provide enough slack for the dog to believe he is not being confined. In fact, the dog can’t tell if he’s on lead or off because of how slack the lead is.

Five seconds later, just as predicted, the dog charges forward like a lightning bolt. You let the dog run ahead until he is almost at the end of the leash, holding the leather leash extremely tightly in your right hand. You can easily do a U-turn at this point.

Absolutely nothing is spoken. A ball of fire may be launched into the air and yanked entirely off his feet if your timing is just right, although mastering this skill may take some practice.


He makes a sudden turn and sees you coming from the other way. At this point, you’re calling his name with a great deal of warmth and enthusiasm. “Excellent work, Rambo! Aye aye, mate!” in addition to reassuringly patting your left leg.

Read also this article: How To Do Obedience Training For Your Dog

A befuddled “Rambo” bounds over from your left to bask in your adoration and get a pat on the head.

Remember There should be no chastisement whatsoever. To stop acting so recklessly, “Rambo” received a reprimand. He didn’t back down, and he won’t correlate the jolt he took with any bad feelings sent in your direction. Because of his own carelessness and ineptitude in not keeping to your left side, he brought this on himself.

Sometimes in the future, you’ll need to firmly chastise the lead with a jolt and a verbal scolding.

This jerk will then be clearly identified as a reprimand in “Rambo’s” thinking. Our current strategy is to throw “Rambo” off enough that he blames himself for the discomfort he felt when he was yanked off his fee.

A severely unnerved “Rambo” will begin to assume that every cat that darts in his path and every motorcyclist who chances to ride by is just a ploy designed to dupe him into racing after her and getting yanked off his feet after only four or five such events.

Soon, you’ll have a dog who heels well by your side no matter what’s going on around him, making walks a delight.

2. The Shy Dog: “Zoro”

Dog #2, the quiet, timid dog who lacks self-confidence, is clearly not a good candidate for the approach we employed with dog #1, Rambo.

This dog, whose we’ll call “Zoro,” is so insecure that he need continual reassurance and praise.


To be clear, a dog of this sort may be trained to be an exceptionally hard worker who will do anything for your approval and praise provided you have the patience, determination, and calm temperament necessary to work with him. He will become completely committed to you and will do everything for your admiration.

However, a great deal of tolerance, compassion, and, most importantly, restraint are essential while interacting with a dog of this breed.

While most dogs can handle being spoken to harshly, this breed of dog will have a negative reaction, and a single harsh correction might undo all your hard work in gaining his confidence over the course of several weeks.

It’s impossible to get the dog to move:

When you put a collar and leash on your dog, “Zoro,” he may refuse to move from his spot on the ground, or he may coil around your legs, pull to the right or the side, or even bolt back toward the house, ignoring your commands to “heel.”

You’ll need to employ some cunning here of a different type. Let the training collar, leash, and walk become positive associations in his mind. Keep a few bite-sized morsels of dried liver or any other treat in your left hand or pocket.

If he’s stubborn, try to persuade him; if that doesn’t work, encourage him. When he’s on your left, lavish him with praise and a treat.

When you start walking, he’ll stutteringly want to follow. Keep reminding him how smart and excellent he is with calming words and light nudges of the lead. You’ll have to be patient, but in the end, he’ll trust you.

If something distracts you, you’ll need to nudge the lead ever so little. Don’t say anything negative to them. But plenty of acclaim when he finally learns his lesson.

Consider this dog a test of your will and restraint. If you’re up for the task, and can rein in any justified bouts of annoyance, you’ll have an exceptional Obedience worker of whom you can be proud.

You shouldn’t continue talking to this dog like a baby or giving him excessive attention:

One other thing to keep in mind about this dog’s extreme sensitivity and nervousness. Once you’ve trained your dog to walk by your side without pulling, and he or she is now walking voluntarily at your heel, you’ll need to adjust your training techniques for the next phase.


Most of the time, when their dogs show signs of anxiety about anything new or different, their owners try to reassure them over and over again.

Dog owners often turn to “baby-talk,” or sweet, soothing words of encouragement, when their pets get anxious or fearful when out on walks with them.

The opposite is true. In doing so, the owner is just reinforcing the dog’s fearful tendencies. The dog is effectively being told: “Your worry is warranted, and I can sympathies. You should feel safe expressing your fear”.

The owner should act in a fully nonchalant manner, reflecting the following attitude, rather than consoling the dog with overly dramatic words of reassurance and gentle talking. “Stop acting like a fool. What you’re doing is really naive. Do not be concerned; the situation is normal.”

Put the dog off guard. Practice some simple acts of obedience. “Sit” “Down” Use a level tone of voice while talking about this. Pretend as though you’re not worried about anything.

The takeaway ought to be obvious. You can use as much or as little reassurance and encouragement as you think is appropriate in the first stages of training to get the dog to get past his initial reluctance to heel.

However, after you’ve passed this point, go forward. I strongly advise against enrolling in nursery school again.

3. The lazy dog: “Saly”

The third kind of dog demands a different strategy because of his lethargic nature. In this situation, your excitement must originate from within yourself. Do not display anger in proportion to how often you are prodded, as this is counterproductive. Gather as much zeal as you need to put the collar on “Saly,” and do it quickly.

Propel forward with a smile and a cheery “heel” instruction. Give “Saly” gentle pulls on the lead when he falls behind, and make sure to add encouraging noises to go along with them.

Rub his head gently with your left hand. Walk forward with verve and remember that you must control your need to give the slacker a swift kick in the behind. Show zero signs of annoyance.


One of the benefits of having a slow dog is that he is usually quite greedy. You may use the treat again to get him to walk closely by your side.

Naturally, you shouldn’t establish a practice of this kind of encouragement, or he’ll start viewing it as his due every time and stop being happy with simple praise.

You can address lagging by making a sudden right turn without warning “Saly,” as dogs of this breed are not known for their sensitivity. If you’re walking ahead and see “Saly” approaching from behind, you should do a quick left-leg rotation and right-leg lunge.

You should accompany your right turn with a jolt to the lead so that “Saly” doesn’t get complacent. To keep up with you, he has to pick up the pace. when he finally moves to your left side, be sure to give him lots of praise.

It’s obvious that the fundamental premise is the same even though the methods vary considerably among these three canine categories.

The dog should learn that the pain and discomfort he experiences afterward are his own doing while using the training collar to teach him to heel properly.

The dog quickly learns that he may avoid the unpleasant sensations and earn his owner’s praise by behaving appropriately.

Be sure to properly employ the collar for training:

Benefit as much as possible from the training collar at this stage in the process.

First the jerk, then the adulation. You won’t be able to train your dog to be independent of the leash.

Nonetheless, it is crucial that you make extensive use of the training collar at this early period so that you can create a healthy relationship with your dog. Your dog will come to not only adore you, but also respect you if raised in this manner.


Eventually, he’ll transform into the kind of pet anybody would like spending time with: eager, willing, obedient, and loving.