The Importance of Understanding Your Dog for Effective Training

Your dog’s instincts, natural behaviors, and lineage are all crucial details to learn. All dogs, including those bred for companionship, share a common ancestor with wolves. Your dog still has many wolf-like instincts and behaviors.

Throughout the course of domestication, these instincts have remained robust. Barking at unknown people and generally being on guard are normal dog behaviors; after all, a dog’s job is to keep the pack safe.

Your dog isn’t trying to get under your skin by barking; rather, he or she is trying to warn you of danger and scare away whatever is making him or her feel unsafe. Training your dog means guiding natural tendencies.

It’s only normal for your new puppy to want to act in accordance with his animalistic nature. Your job is to give him boundaries he can live with, while still respecting his natural tendencies.

While certain habits are shared by all dogs, there are some breed characteristics you should be aware of in order to teach your new dog successfully. read more details in this article: 5 Dog Behavior Factors That Affect Dog Training at Home.

Timing of The Reward

You can’t sit down and give your dog a lesson on good and improper behavior. It’s important to time the reward and praise right after the cue phrase or gesture is used during training.

For a dog to obey a command, he must learn to link it with the behavior in question. A reward works on the same premise.

The praise or reward should happen right after the intended action is carried out. If your dog sits when you tell it to, for instance, he must be congratulated and given a treat immediately thereafter.

This will teach him that obeying the instruction will result in a positive reinforcement from his pack leader.


He won’t know why he’s being rewarded if you present it to him casually 30 seconds later. If you’re having trouble getting your dog to obey particular orders, just keep an eye on him and wait for him to pick it up on his own.

If he doesn’t get the idea of, say, laying down right away, wait until he takes the first step in that direction before you do your gesture and issue your instruction; then, once he’s finished, make sure to praise and thank him.

In this approach, he might learn that carrying out this behavior in response to a command can earn him a favorable response.

Pack Instinct

Animals as social as dogs have this trait hardwired into their very being. They have a strict order within the group, much like the wolf.

Your dog will try to assume leadership if he doesn’t already have one. It’s not just about having control, though; dogs thrive on routine.

They have to learn their rank in the group. Your dog’s pack includes everyone in his family, including you and any kids you might have. Read more here: Effective Dog Reward Training Technique.

For his own well-being and peace of mind, he must be clear about his place in the team. Your dog will feel lost, uneasy, and afraid in a pack when there is no leader.

Who, after all, will be in charge of securing food if there is no pack leader?

In the event of danger, who will defend the group?

Who will take charge and offer solace?


For this reason, setting up a hierarchy with your dog is crucial for maintaining peace and order in your home. You need to take charge and direct the others.

It is your job as pack leader to perform all of these duties and more. Establish your dominance over your pet and train him to obey your every command.

This does not have to be accomplished through threats or actual violence. The bond between you and your furry friend will strengthen through training.

Have him participate in training exercises that teach him to yield gently. Submissive behaviors include, among others, the paw shake, the roll over, and the kiss. When your dog does what you ask, he is surrendering to your authority.

When it comes to submission, some dogs might be obstinate, but this is usually since we, as alphas, are too lenient and let our pets get away with unacceptable conduct too often.

Instilling in our dogs a sense of their position in the pack and the wider world is one of the benefits of taking on the role of pack leader. When a dog knows his place in the pack and who ultimately calls the shots, he relaxes and feels safe; his only concern is pleasing you.

Long-Term Commitment and Practice

To be a good human companion during a training session, you need to be patient. A lot of time has to be spent in training a dog or puppy. Dogs aren’t going to understand why you’re yelling at it when it doesn’t. This is not done on purpose; they just do not realize your meaning.

Short training sessions are better for both you and your dog because boredom is detrimental to learning. You should take a deep breath if you feel yourself getting frustrated with your furry buddy and snapping at them; if that doesn’t help, you should terminate the session and try again another time.

One of the secrets of training is repetition. The order needs to be repeated frequently, not just once, but several times each day, for the dog to retain the knowledge.

Keep a handful of goodies on available and make requests of your dog at different times throughout the day; training doesn’t have to be restricted to organized sessions. As a result, your dog will be caught off guard and more likely to comprehend the instruction as intended.


If you, like many humans, stick to the same training regimen, with the same orders (sit, down, roll over, shake paws, etc.) in the same order, your dog will rapidly pick up on this and start doing it on his own instead of listening to what you’re saying.

Change things up, throw him off, and he’ll remember more of it. Dog training, in addition, requires regularity. This means that everyone in your family should adopt the same methods of discipline and reward.

Don’t ever give your dog a pass when he’s doing something you don’t want him to, like yanking on the leash. He will test his luck by repeating the unpleasant conduct if you are inconsistent in your response.

Socialization and Exposure

It is crucial to teach your dog by introducing him to as many different circumstances and places as possible. As early as possible, a dog should start socializing with people and other dogs.

The sooner you get started, the simpler it will be. When someone goes for a stroll, for instance, he shouldn’t assume that random individuals and animals are there to harm him.

He should also be trained to meet quietly before participating in play with the unfamiliar person or animal, rather than running over to them and jumping all over them.

This will make them polite and generally accepted in society, and it will keep them safe. Exposing children to novel situations and stimuli can help ease their fears. Outdoor training, training in unfamiliar settings, or training in places with lots of people and noise are all great ways to put your dog’s self-control and ability to focus to the test.

At home, where there are less distractions and no unusual people or animals, he will execute desired activities fast after he has mastered the concept. However, performing the same in school, or anywhere else, is a completely different game.

The dog may stay for a whole minute inside, but when you go to training, the teacher may inquire, “Can he wait?” the other person responds, “Yes, he can complete a full minute.” Ten seconds is about the best case scenario before he gets up and runs off to investigate.

To avoid this, it’s important to provide your dog with as much out-of-home training as possible, even if it’s only a few basic commands while you’re on a walk or at the park.


A dog’s ability to tune out noise and focus on you, the pack leader, will improve the more he is trained in the presence of distractions.

Punishment, Training and Interaction

There is no need for physical punishment, and there are many more positive techniques to deter your dog from unpleasant behavior. A well-trained dog will have a healthy regard for you and be willing to perform what he is told without showing any sign of fear.

The best way to discipline your dog is to ignore him. If he has been bad, ignore him and turn your back on him. Don’t give in to your dog’s demands for attention. You may also tell him “no” in a low voice while firmly turning his nose and looking him in the eyes.

This sounds like the alpha dog growling at the pack. Never raise your voice or your hand to your dog; this will only make him or her afraid of you and anybody else who does.

The best method to strengthen your relationship with your dog is to make training sessions enjoyable for him.

Always leave on a high note, never a low one. For your dog’s sake, he must not forget the good times, treats, and praise he had the first time around.

Engage with your dog, give him treats, and yell and shout in a goofy tone when he does something you like. In this way, he may pick up on the tone of your voice and understand when he has earned your approval.


In conclusion, learning your dog’s language is crucial to successful training. It lays the groundwork for a compassionate and respectful relationship between you and your furry friend.

Investing time into research about your dog’s breed, personality, and behavior will help you fine-tune your training methods for the best possible outcomes. Whether you’re a seasoned dog owner or just getting started, learning all you can about your dog is the key to a happy and healthy partnership.

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Video: Master Dog Training: The Proven Scientific Approach