How to Teach Your Dog to “Stay” “Sit” and “Come” Using Natural Methods

Training your dog can be a rewarding experience, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult one. In this article, we’ll look at how you can use natural methods to train your pup essential behaviors like staying, sitting and coming when called.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to teach your pup some important skills without relying on traditional methods, this could be just the article for you!

Getting a dog is a fun and fulfilling experience. It’s also possible to feel overwhelmed. Be prepared for a time of adjustment whether you get a puppy or an adult dog.

Starting basic training with your new pet as soon as possible is one of the greatest strategies to ensure a smooth transition. Even with older dogs, it’s best to start training as soon as possible, and pups can start as young as 8 weeks.

The two of you can have many happy years together if you invest in dog training. How to train your dog to come when called, sit, lie down, and remain are covered here.

The Basics:

Let’s start with the fundamentals of basic training. Positive reinforcement is more effective than negative for training all dogs, and especially pups. An act of kindness may go a long way, just as it does with people.

Verbal praise, love, a favorite toy, or a portion or two of your dog’s normal meal are all great ways to encourage excellent behavior. While rewarding good behavior with treats can be effective, doing it too frequently could lead to the dog anticipating the reward and can quickly rack up the cost.

The best time to train your dog is right before mealtime, when it will be most receptive to treats as a reward since it will be hungry. In the beginning, the reward ought to be delivered right after every successful answer.

After some training progress has been made, verbal praise should be delivered at every opportunity, but rewards should be reserved for precise, prompt replies.


Reduce the frequency of prizes until just an infrequent reward is offered, but verbal appreciation should be given often.

This is the method via which a dog is most likely to remember its training. Not only should you speak to your dog, but you should also utilize hand gestures to convey your commands. Similar to human beings, dogs benefit from being exposed to a variety of teaching tools.

You may train your dog to sit by pointing at the ground and giving the command. Provide an instant incentive, such as food or attention, and vocal praise when the dog sits. All of the below-discussed instructions can be executed with these methods.

Training Dog to Sit:

Sitting is one of the most useful commands you can teach your dog. Your dog should be standing up first. Hold the food item in front of the dog’s nose if you wish to utilize food as a reward. While calling the dog’s name, raise the treat carefully above its head.

There will be a corresponding downward movement of the dog’s rear end as his nose rises. Say “sit” while this is going on. Keep the dog’s food at a reasonable height; otherwise, he or she may try to jump up and get it. Use the food and vocal praise as a reward when the dog sits.

Begin with the dog standing again if you intend to offer solely verbal praise and affection. Put your hand beneath the dog’s chin and pet it softly. Lift the dog’s chin up gently while calling its name.

Again, the dog’s rump will drop as his chin rises. Simply point your other hand down and say “sit” while you do so. In exchange for the dog’s sit, give him lots of positive reinforcement. Your dog should eventually be able to sit in response to a hand signal and a command.

Training Dog to Lie Down:

It takes a bit more work to get a dog to lie down. Your dog will benefit the most from this if he or she is standing on a tile or linoleum floor. Using a tasty treat as a motivator is key to the success of this strategy. Get your dog to sit down first.

Get some food right under his nose. While calling your dog’s name, place the treat on the floor between his or her front paws. Say “down” as the dog slinks down to the dish.

If the dog’s meal is too far away, it may get up to go fetch it, so bring it close. Your dog can be taught to lie down in response to a spoken order and a lowered hand.


Training Dog to Come:

In many cases, training the dog to come may be a breeze. Using a snack item is recommended for this lesson. Put a treat between your fingers and thumb and hold it out to your dog.

Hold the treat out and call your dog’s name. Say “come” and motion your hand toward your chest as your dog approaches.

Give the dog the treat and some praise when he approaches you. Then, you can take a little break before starting the procedure again with another dish. This is as easy as it sounds.

Training Dog to Stay:

Last but not least, let’s discuss how to train a dog to stay. This is the hardest fundamental skill to train a dog.

Dogs often prefer company and have trouble remaining still for extended periods of time. In order to perfect this command, it’s ideal to do it while your dog is relaxed or tired.

Also, when your dog has mastered the sit command, you should move on to this trick. As a first step, try using simply words and a hand gesture to move your dog into a sitting position.

Lean into the dog and stare him straight in the eyes as soon as he sits. Show your dog the palm of your hand and command, “stay,” in a loud, commanding voice.

In the beginning, you should simply wait a split second before coming to your dog to give him praise and a treat for sitting.

Repeatedly practice this. While teaching your dog to remain, if you take even one step away, he will immediately jump up and pursue you.

Teaching him to remain requires you to be no more than a step away from him. You may start working on distance if your dog can sit for 10 seconds while you take one step away.


Maintain constant eye contact with your dog during his or her stay. Again, lean near him and say “remain” in a forceful voice if he looks away. The time spent teaching this command is well worth it.

Having a well-trained dog may make the adjustment to a new pet much easier on you and your family. It is important to use your common sense when teaching a dog. If your dog is restless or the training isn’t going well one day, it’s okay to take a break and try again another day.

Even dogs need a day off every now and again. Be constant and firm without becoming irritated. To avoid too many interruptions while training the dog, it’s best to do it in a peaceful setting during a relatively calm time of day.

It’s just necessary to issue the order once. You should only have to give your dog one order for it to learn to comply, not a series of them.

Constantly reinforcing appropriate actions with words of appreciation is essential. Have fun with your new pet and keep in mind that it takes time for everyone to become used to a new member of the family.


Training your dog to stay, sit, and come using natural methods can be a rewarding experience for both you and your pup. With patience and consistency, most dogs can learn the commands easily within just a few weeks.

Teaching these basic behaviors will not only help keep your pet safe but also give them structure in their lives that they crave. Whether it’s teaching a new trick or reinforcing an existing one, remember that positive reinforcement is key when training any animal!