Why is My Puppy Biting Me Aggressively? and What Can I Do?

Puppies are adorable and expert at winning our hearts with their big eyes and playful antics, but their nipping and biting can be a problem. The pranks they play and other shenanigans they engage in are amusing to see and easy to overlook.

Despite their endearing appearance, they often exhibit characteristics that are less than ideal. Your dog is nipping and biting, and that’s probably the most worrying thing you can see. Your furry friend may be able to break your pain threshold with a bite, depending on how many teeth they have.

You’re willing to give them a pass if they begin assaulting your shoes. All puppies go through this while they are young. But as the bite marks multiply and your dog gets older, you’ll start wondering, “How do I stop my puppy from biting?

The goal of this post is to provide guidance on how to train your puppy to curb his biting and nipping tendencies. To prevent this behaviour even in adulthood is a top priority.

Why Is My New Puppy Biting Me?

Puppies can be vicious for a variety of reasons. The most prevalent explanation is that they are naturally inquisitive and view this as a means to satisfy that curiosity. Puppies have an innate curiosity about the world around them.

If they are teething, they may chew on objects in the same way that human infants do to alleviate the pain associated with the eruption of their primary teeth.

Nipping at each other or at you is a common kind of playful interaction between them. The small guys don’t know any better, therefore it’s not aggression when they nip.

Puppy bites are often an expression of displeasure or fear. When animals howl before biting, it means you were eaten because you disregarded a warning.

Solutions to My Puppy’s Aggressive Biting Problem

Put an end to biting as a problem behaviour. Your puppy has to learn that biting is not appropriate behaviour. Here are several methods that will get the point across without stressing out the dog. Never slap or yell at him because this can make him feel afraid.


It was widely held 30 years ago that letting a dog nibble on a human’s skin would educate the animal to be violent.

It is currently thought that dogs can tell the difference between fun and aggressive biting, therefore it’s OK to let a puppy practice his teething on your skin without worrying about hostility down the road.

1. Fun and Games

Playing too roughly with your puppy could teach him to bite. Although games of tug and gentle wrestling can be entertaining, it’s important to keep your puppy from becoming physically exhausted.

2. Bite Inhibition and How to Use It

Puppies naturally develop biting inhibition when socializing in a pack. When the other puppy yelps, they realize that their bite is too strong. Allow him to bite you to mimic his actions. If he bites down too harshly, yell at the top of your lungs and let go of your hand.

Lack of continuous reprimand for bad behavior teaches the dog that it can continue to act badly with no consequence.

In the event that the puppy persists in his misbehaviour, a strong “no” and a brief separation from play are appropriate disciplinary issues.

As certainty is a crucial stage in training your dog, you should strive to repeat this step each moment your puppy nips or bites you for the optimum effect. Your pet, assuming you treat it well, will only acquire proper behaviour through regular and repeated instruction.

3. Redirection

It’s important to plan ahead for redirection. You should quickly remove your hand if your puppy tries to bite you. Having your dog nip at your skin is an unsightly sight you’d rather avoid. In order to divert his attention, you should quickly offer him a treat or a toy. If your dog is a destructive chewer, this strategy is extremely useful for you.

4. Distraction

The correct toys can provide your dog with a healthy outlet for his chewing needs. You may use a toy that has a secret compartment to store some treats. Pick out some toys for your dog that will challenge his mind as well as his body. A dog’s high levels of energy can be directed more constructively through new experiences.

5. Socialization

You may help socialize your dog by setting up a play date with other canine friends. Your dog will quickly learn from the other canines when they are biting too hard.


6. Deterrence

There are also products available that have an unpleasant flavor to deter your dog from chewing. Give them a cotton swab with some of the product on it. It will be snorted after being spit out. You should now spray the item(s) he is not allowed to chew on.

What Should I Do If My Puppy Still Bites?

You should expect your puppy to take some time to learn new behaviors. For him to learn, it could take a few days up to a week or more. In that amount of time, you ought to observe some form of development.

It would be wise to get him evaluated by a dog trainer if he shows no signs of improvement or if the conduct worsens.

A qualified dog trainer will be able to determine if your dog has any underlying anxiety or aggression issues. They will also have useful suggestions for how to change up your training.

1. Don’t Get Rough

Avoid teaching your puppy to play rough. When you get a good bite, it’s time to stop playing. This sends the message that harmful biting is never acceptable behaviour. If this happens, you should immediately start distracting them.

2. Make his Mind Active with a Variety of Activities

Your puppy may be bored and in need of some mental challenge. During the day, make sure you haven’t forgotten about your dog for too long. Always be there for your puppy and give it lots of love and attention.

Get him out for walks frequently. In order to teach your puppy appropriate behaviour, it should be carefully socialized with other dogs. If you reward your puppy for excellent conduct, he may be less likely to engage in undesirable behaviour.

Which puppy breed is the least aggressive?

Among dog breeds, a recent study found that retrievers have the lowest biting propensity. The primary motivation for conducting the research was the growing popularity of retrievers as family pets, as well as the dearth of information on which breeds are most suited to households with infants and young children.

Retrievers have been bred to have extremely gentle jaws, so they won’t bite if they get mad at you. That is to say, rather than pulling or jerking objects up, their paws are quite delicate and snug around them, making them ideal for those times of clumsiness when dealing with kids.

When Should You Be Worried About a Puppie’s Biting?

Growling before biting is a warning indication of aggression in a dog, especially if the dog is older. Getting professional assistance may be necessary if you puppy snarls or doesn’t realize when they’re biting too hard.


By setting a good example and rewarding your puppy for excellent behavior, you can prevent him from biting when it is not necessary. It’s important to avoid reinforcing aggressive behavior in your dog by resorting to punishment or shouting at it. You’ll need to be patient and consistent in training your puppy.


When it comes to training your pup, patience, and positive reinforcement are the keys. Shouting at your pup, or spanking them when they bite will damage their trust in you. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, is a lot more effective.

It’s your job to raise a well-balanced pup. Teach the puppy in the same way his pack mates would have in nature. Alternatively, use good old distraction tactics to teach the puppy to focus that energy elsewhere.

Be patient with him, and he’ll soon understand what he needs to do.

Video: Why is My Puppy Biting Me Aggressively?