Wrong answer!
The vast majority of dog breeds exist because of a specific work necessity, and most of these vocations, such as hunting and herding, necessitate substantial amounts of energy. Dogs of today may not be put to the same physical demands as their ancestors, but they still need regular exercise.
Barking, digging, and chewing could be the way an under-exercised dog releases his pent-up energy. A canine with a full belly makes for a good canine.
Dogs of working, sporting, herding, and other energetic breeds, especially when they are young, need daily sessions of vigorous aerobic exercise (simply walking won't do it).
Right answer!
The vast majority of dog breeds exist because of a specific work necessity, and most of these vocations, such as hunting and herding, necessitate substantial amounts of energy. Dogs of today may not be put to the same physical demands as their ancestors, but they still need regular exercise.
Barking, digging, and chewing could be the way an under-exercised dog releases his pent-up energy. A canine with a full belly makes for a good canine.
Dogs of working, sporting, herding, and other energetic breeds, especially when they are young, need daily sessions of vigorous aerobic exercise (simply walking won't do it).