Heat Stroke in Dogs – How to Prevent Heat Exhaustion in Dogs

Spending time in nature with one’s loyal canine partner is a favorite activity of many dog owners. As the weather warms up, you and your dog will have plenty of opportunity to spend quality time together, whether it’s at the beach, in the park, or even just bouncing through the sprinklers.
However, if you want to be a good dog owner, you need to know how the heat can impact your pet. In order to prevent heat exhaustion, it is crucial that pet owners take the proper precautions when spending any amount of time outside during the summer. This illness is life-threatening in canines and must be treated immediately.
When it comes to keeping your dog safe during the hot summer months, knowing the warning signs of heat exhaustion and how to prevent it is essential.
Given that dogs cannot perspire, canine fever is a typical problem during the warmer months. Instead, they attempt to cool off by panting. Dogs can suffer from heat exhaustion, and it’s serious.
Being cognizant of how the heat affects children is crucial as the temperature outside rises. Over-panting, electrolyte loss, and heart attacks are all symptoms of heat exhaustion in your dog, which can have catastrophic consequences.
Our goal is to equip dog owners with useful information so that their summer is marked by happy times together rather than stressful trips to the vet.
When a dog’s internal temperature rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, heat exhaustion sets in. A dog is in urgent danger of heat stroke if their rectal temperature continues to increase to 106 degrees or higher. Heat stroke is a medical emergency since it can lead to organ failure and even cardiac arrest.
Symptoms of hard exhaustion
Fortunately, the symptoms of heat exhaustion in dogs are obvious. The initial sign is breathing too quickly and frequently. Gums and the tongue of a heat-exhausted dog may turn blue or crimson, and the dog may vomit or have diarrhoea, collapse, or have convulsions.
However, serious overheating can be avoided if the issue is detected and corrected before it reaches that point. Subtle changes in your dog’s behavior, such as a decreased response to commands, may be the first indication that something is wrong.
Glazed eyes, heavy drooling, a high heart rate, dizziness or lack of coordination, fever, lethargy, and loss of consciousness are all signs of possible heat exhaustion.
What type of dogs are more sensitive to heat exhaustion?
Heat exhaustion can harm any dog, but those with thick coats or long hair, puppies, senior dogs, brachycephalic breeds, and extra pounds are particularly vulnerable.
This can also be influenced by environmental factors. Keep in mind that it’s not just the temperature that can cause heat exhaustion in dogs, but also the humidity. Without access to shade or a cool indoor area, dogs of all breeds and sizes can quickly overheat and die.
Stroke caused by excessive heat requires quick medical attention. It is important to lower core body temperature in a controlled and safe manner.
He can maintain a normal body temperature by having cool water poured over his head, armpits, stomach, and feet, or by applying cool cloths to these areas.
To stimulate sweating and open pores, try applying rubbing alcohol to your foot pads. Overcooling a dog by dousing him with cold water might cause a cardiac arrest. Instead, have them wear wet garments that have been let out at room temperature to assist them cool down.
You should get your dog to an emergency veterinarian immediately. Veterinarians often employ intravenous fluids, light sedation, and low-concentration oxygen therapy to alleviate heat exhaustion.
Rectal temperature should be monitored continuously, and medication should be stopped once the dog shows improvement.
The obvious solution is to avoid being sick in the first place. Through the use of common sense precautions, you can protect your dog from heat exhaustion.
You should never leave your dog in a parked car, even in the shade with the windows down, so be sure to take precautions on hot and humid days by limiting your dog’s exercise and time outside.
If the power goes out or the air conditioner stops working, you’ll need a backup plan to keep your beloved buddy comfortable. It’s bad enough that your dog’s body temperature is greater than yours, but it’s downright unbearable for him.
Dogs can benefit from cooling mats and coats, too, especially when the weather is warm. They contain unique fluids that, when wetted, help maintain a pleasant temperature for your pet.
How can you tell if a dog is heat exhausted?
There are several signs that you can look for to see if your dog is heat exhausted. They include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and dark red or blue gums.
If your dog is displaying any of these symptoms, it is important to get them out of the heat and into a cool area immediately. You should also give them fresh water to drink and contact your veterinarian.
At what temperature can dogs get heat exhaustion?
Dogs can get heat exhaustion when the temperature outside is too hot for them to handle. If you’re unsure whether it’s too hot for your dog, consider these signs of heat exhaustion: heavy panting, drooling, lethargy, dark or red gums, and vomiting.
If your dog is showing any of these signs, bring them inside to a cool area and give them plenty of water to drink.
If you think your dog may have heat exhaustion, take their temperature with a rectal thermometer. A normal dog temperature is between 101 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
If your dog’s temperature is above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, they have heat exhaustion and need immediate medical attention. Take them to the vet or an emergency animal hospital right away.
Heat stroke is even more serious than heat exhaustion and can be fatal if not treated immediately. Signs of heat stroke include all of the above plus seizure activity, collapse, and unconsciousness.
If you think your dog has heat stroke, call your veterinarian or an emergency animal hospital immediately and Cool down your pet by wetting them with cool (not cold) water and apply cool wet towels to their head, neck, and chest while transporting them to the vet or hospital.
What are the first signs of heat exhaustion?
One of the first signs that your dog is suffering from heat exhaustion is excessive panting and drooling. Your dog may also seem lethargic, weak, or unsteady on their feet.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action immediately to cool your dog down and prevent their condition from worsening.
Remove your dog from the hot environment and place them in a cool, shady area. Apply cool water to their skin, especially the areas with thicker fur such as the back of their neck and legs.
You can use a spray bottle or wet cloth to do this. Let them drink small amounts of cool water; too much water can cause vomiting which will only worsen dehydration.
If your dog’s condition does not improve within 30 minutes or they begin showing signs of heat stroke (listed above), seek emergency veterinary care immediately.
Time is critical when treating heat exhaustion and heat stroke in dogs so don’t delay in getting your furry friend the help they need!
Heat stroke in dogs is a serious condition that needs to be taken seriously. Learning to recognize the signs of heat exhaustion and taking proactive steps to keep your dog cool and hydrated will help prevent it from occurring in the first place.
With a few simple tips, you can ensure your furry friend stays happy and healthy no matter how hot it gets outside!