Does Bad Breath in Dogs Indicate Other Health Problems?


Bad breath in dogs frequently may be a warning sign for health problems, such as dental or oral health issues. Dogs frequently suffer from halitosis, also known as bad breath in dogs.

Have you ever returned from work to find your dog greeting you by giving you a few good licks on the face? And quickly retreated after smelling your dog’s breath? I have. In our house, we call our ridgeback dog Sonia as “fish breath.”

She always has bad breath no matter what she eats. Since we brought her home when she was just 10 weeks old, she has had bad breath. Her examination by the veterinarian revealed that everything was fine medically.

She still has what we would consider to be bad breath, though. So, we’ve all developed coping mechanisms. Halitosis, however, can indicate serious health issues for your dog, so you should have it checked out.

Why does halitosis occur?

Dog halitosis can result from a number of less common but potentially more serious internal problems, including gum or mouth infections, bad or decayed teeth, gum disease (such as gingivitis), stomach or digestive tract problems, bad food – and/or a reaction to the food your dog eats.

Your dog eating something he shouldn’t eat (such as a sock, underwear, toy, etc.), which is unable to pass through the digestive system and is rotting.

Dog Bad Breath: What to Do

Every day, brush your dog’s teeth. After cleaning the teeth, wipe your dog’s gums with a clean, dry towel to help eliminate any plaque that may have built up along the gum line.

Make sure the dog’s teeth and gums are examined when you take your dog to the vet for an annual checkup. If the gums are inflamed or if there is a problem with the teeth, your veterinarian should be able to identify it pretty quickly.

To get rid of any infection, your dog might need to receive an antibiotic. Infection can cause bad breath, teeth to fall out, infection to move from the teeth to the jaw bones, and a very unhappy dog if you do not take care of your dog’s teeth and gums.


Ask yourself what has changed if your dog’s bad breath is a recent occurrence:

Have you ever tried a new dish?

Do you provide human food for your dog?

Is there a rumbling or noisy stomach, gas, constipation, or diarrheas’ along with the bad breath?

Could poor nutrition or a food allergy lead to any dog’s issue?

Or is the digestive system of your dog damaged?

Just like humans, your dog is susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. If halitosis or foul breath is a new occurrence, it’s critical to identify the possible causes in order to properly and successfully cure it.

Does bad breath in dogs indicate other health problems?

Yes, a dog’s poor breath can be a sign of a more serious health issue. Some dental problems, like plaque and tartar buildup or tooth rot, might cause this symptom. Tooth decay, gum disease, and infections are all possible outcomes of these problems.

Medical disorders such as kidney disease, diabetes, and liver disease can also lead to chronic bad breath. A dog’s metabolic rate may shift due to certain variables, resulting in different breath odors.

High-protein and high-fat diets, digestive disorders, and respiratory infections are additional potential triggers. Sometimes, poor breath might be an indication of something more serious, like cancer.


Having bad breath in dogs is an early warning sign of a problem, so if your dog has it for an extended period of time, it’s better to see a vet so that any underlying concerns may be treated before they become catastrophic.

What home remedies can be used for dog’s bad breath?

If you think the problem is not significant, you can try some natural home remedies. Here are some natural home remedies that can help improve your dog’s smelly breath:

Lemon juice: Consider adding a few drops of lemon juice to your dog’s regular water supply.

Dry food: Dry dog food may be better for your dog’s teeth if you currently feed him canned or soft foods.

Organic food: Consider feeding your dog organic dog food, which is food free of chemicals and preservatives and typically contains a lot fewer fillers.

Apple cider vinegar: Adding a few drops to your dog’s water may help neutralize its pH level and cut down on foul breath.

Parsley: Add some fresh parsley to your dog’s diet to help keep their breath smelling nice.

Probiotics: In order to help your dog’s breath, try giving them a probiotic supplement.

Water: Keep your dog well hydrated at all times, as dry mouth is a known cause of foul breath in canines.

If your dog’s bad breath persists despite these treatments, you should take him to the veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical or dental problems.


Dogs with bad breath frequently have issues with their mouths, stomachs, or lungs; if you can assist your veterinarian in diagnosing the issue, you can treat it much more swiftly.

If your dog has bad breath, don’t ignore it by assuming it will go away or that it isn’t a big deal because it could be an indication of more serious problems.


Finally, bad breath in dogs can indicate a variety of health issues, including dental disorders, medical illnesses, and nutritional or gastrointestinal issues. Though there are certain therapies you can try at home, if your dog’s breath problem persists, it’s best to see a vet.

Identifying and treating health problems in your dog early can have a significant impact on his or her quality of life in the long run. It’s also worth noting that bad breath isn’t necessarily the result of something serious, but it is still a sign that you shouldn’t ignore. Getting regular checkups from a veterinarian can help catch health issues early on so that your dog can get the care you he needs.

Video: Get Rid of Bad Breath in Dogs